Custom Alunimun Awning
We're a very small enterprise with no expectations of financial grandeur. Our intentions are to produce a product that we're proud of and know that our customers will come back because they get what they want.
We've built mining equipment, repaired heavy equipment breaks, as well as custom awning for commercial buildings and ornamental railing and stairs plus theater sets and furniture. Also small runs of mass produced custom items and much much more!
We've been independent for the last 16 years so we no longer have to relay on an employer for a paycheck and its payed off. Like I said in the beginning we're not looking to get rich just looking to be contented at the end of the day with what we've accomplished!
We have the capacity to do all our own 2D and 3D drawings for inhouse as well as design for a customer.
We've had the opportunity's to work with some great individuals and it's payed off ten-fold. We've gained a lot of respect for our work and are proud to not be too worried about the last 10 cents. It's the enjoyment of the art of the creative process and to combine it with someone else's ideas is worth the struggle!
Bird MetalWerks